Microsoft Virtual Academy - Playing Cards
Circa Creative in San Francisco contacted me to create some posters and additional artwork for their Microsoft Virtual Academy campaigns. I created some illustrations based off many discussed ideas. One concept that really stood out was a "King and Queen of Code" concept. The purpose of this campaign is to encourage aspiring developers to join Microsoft and reinforce the Microsoft brand. The client loved the concept so much that I suggested making a set of actual playing cards. With a quick turn around we cranked out a full set of card designs.
Circa Creative in San Francisco contacted me to create some posters and additional artwork for their Microsoft Virtual Academy campaigns. I created some illustrations based off many discussed ideas. One concept that really stood out was a "King and Queen of Code" concept.
The purpose of this campaign is to encourage aspiring developers to join Microsoft and reinforce the Microsoft brand.
The client loved the concept so much that I suggested making a set of actual playing cards. With a quick turn around we cranked out a full set of card designs.
I incorporated into the cards many elements of geek and developer culture. Thanks to emoticons, code, 8 bit video games we were able to apply these details into each character.
After a month they were real and shipped. Now I have a few sets of my own to play with.

After my dog ran through the shot and made a mess.

The Royal House in all their glory.

The entire set from Ace of Spades to the Joker.

The Joker with his little pal Clippy. Yes, were all ready for Office Assistant Clippy to make a comeback.

Backside of card (without copy elements) Look for some of the geek/developer symbols incorporated into the artwork.