Love what you do

Love what you do poster created on black poster board with gold and silver markers and screen printed.

Laser Cat call for entires ( 
My obsession for gold, silver markers and black paper was reignited when I heard the call from Laser Cat. Homemade arts and crafts? Hells yeah!  For someone who is on the computer every second of every day this was a nice break.
This poster consist of black poster board, markers, Illustrator work and Screenprinting.
I started with a compass, extended arm and started in the middle. Most of the decorations were made during one viewing of Princess Bride (Seen enough times to not have to watch every second).
Took a few hours in Illustrator tracing a black letter font and adding my own tweaks / Burned image to screen. Prepped and tested screen on variety sheets of paper - artwork lined up pretty tight. Took the plunge and hoped for the best.
The process. Compass, template, pencil. Gold and silver pens. Screen on poster for sizing and placement. testing screen. Final screen and transfer to artwork.

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